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发布日期:2019-05-21     点击量:

While the demonstration of the first OLED emitting thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) in Advanced Materials1-3 in 2009 by our group gave a glimpse of TADF's potential, our successive report in Nature4-6 in 2012 of a TADF-based OLED with an internal quantum efficiency of nearly 100% grabbed the attention of researchers world-wide and established TADF as a truly promising technology. First, we mention about the recent advanced TADF OLEDs aiming for blue and high stability by engineering molecular structures7 and device architectures8. Further, we will introduce our recent efforts on the advanced technologies such as long persistent luminescence (LPL)9, singlet fission10 and organic semiconductor laser diodes (OSLDs) 11.

[1] Adv. Mater., 21, 4802, 2009;[2] Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 083302, 2011;[3] Nat. Photon., 6, 253, 2012;[4] Nature, 492, 234, 2012;[5] Nat. Commun., 5, 4016, 2014; [6] Adv. Opt. Mater. 3, 10, 2015; [7] Science Advances, 4, eaao6910, 2018        [8] Adv. Elect. Mat., 5, 1800708, 2019; [9] Nature, 550, 384 - 387, 2017; [10] Adv. Mater., 30, 1801484, 2018; [11] Science Advances, 3, e1602570, 2017


报告人简介:Professor Adachi,SID Fellow Director of Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (OPERA), Kyushu University 学术贡献 多层有机发光器件的发明人 第三代有机发光材料-热活化延迟荧光材料的发明人 发表论文420余篇,ESI 34篇,H因子64,SCI他引17200余次, 专利近200件



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