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发布日期:2023-09-18     点击量:
活动时间: 2023年9月14日(星期四)下午3:00-4:30
地点: 北京大学物理楼中212教室
主讲人: 杨志忠教授(台湾大学)

报告题目: Subsurface GaN Porous Structures for Light Emission Enhancement, Strain Relaxation, and Display Color Filtering Applications

报告摘要: Subsurface GaN porous structure (PS) of tens nm in pore cross-sectional dimension can be fabricated through an electrochemical etching (ECE) process in a high-conductivity GaN layer, which can be implemented by heavy Si doping. Techniques have been developed for inserting colloidal quantum dots (QDs) into such a PS. We have shown that the QD emission efficiency and Förster resonance energy transfer can be significantly enhanced in such a nanoscale cavity. Also, such a PS can shield the compressive strain in a GaN template caused by the sapphire substrate and relax the strain in the overgrown AlGaN or InGaN/GaN quantum well layers. Such a strain relaxation mechanism can reduce the quantum-confined Stark effect and change the band structure of the overgrown InGaN/GaN quantum wells for enhancing their emission efficiency. Meanwhile, the ECE technique can be upgraded for implementing a mesa array of color filter by mixing QDs with ECE electrolytewhich is a simple and potential method in the fabrication of multiple-color filters for display application. At this presentation, these three PS application subjects will be discussed.

报告人简介:楊志忠教授在台湾大学获得学士学位后,前往美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校学习并获得硕士和博士学位,毕业后在宾夕法尼亚州立大学任教近十年,于1993年回到台湾大学任教授,2001年至2007年担任台湾大学光电研究所所长,2020年成为台湾大学粘铭讲座教授。杨志忠教授的研究领域涉及氮化物和氧化物的MOCVDMBE生长,发光二极管、纳米光子学和光电子学、表面等离子体光子学和生物光子学,他是美国光学学会会士、SPIE Fellow,并于2010年获得台湾科学委员会的突出研究奖。共发表329SCI SSCI文章,超过 700 篇会议文章, 受邀在国际会议上报告 130余次。

主持联系人:王新强 wangshi@pku.edu.cn

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