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发布日期:2023-05-15     点击量:
活动时间: 2023年5月26日 (星期五)上午10:00-11:00
地点: 北京大学物理学院思源多功能厅(西301)
主讲人: JoernManz院士,柏林自由大学/山西大学

报告题目: Big quantum effects in small molecules 

报告摘要: We discover surprising consequences of well-known quantum effects such as zero-point energies, superposition and interferences of quantum states, decoherence. The examples include a new type of chemical bonding: “vibrational bonding” stabilizesBrMuBrdue to effects of vibrational zero point energies (Muonium Mu is the light isotope of hydrogen,mMu=mH/9). The large mass ratio enables another effect in molecules such as FHF-, CdH2or OsH4: well designed circularly polarized laser pulses excite superposition states with strong ring currents of the nuclei that induce very strong intra-molecular magnetic fields (B>600 T). By analogy, one can induce charge circulation with strong electronic fluxes in electronic superposition states of molecules such as Mg-porphyrine. Analogous preparation of interfering electronic states in molecular ions such as H2+or HCCI+support periodic charge migration, on time scale from few hundred attoseconds to few femtoseconds. In addition to linear (1D) and circular3 (2D) charge migrations, one can design laser pulses which induce helical (3D) charge migration. Laser control of charge migration is simulated for C6H6. Laser pulses can break electronic structure symmetry even when the nuclear symmetry is conserved. Symmetry can be restored by a second pulse, with few attosecond precision of the time delay, also confirmed experimentally for the87Rb atom. In general, the laser induced electronic charge migration suffers from decoherence due to nuclear motions. This enemy can be converted to a friend causing partial re-coherences.

报告人简介JoernManz院士是世界著名物理化学家,德国科学院院士,德国柏林自由大学终身教授。J.Manz院士是超快飞秒动力学研究领域的创始人之一,在分子的超快量子动力学演化与激光超控分子量子态等方面作出了一系列开创性的工作,先后应邀在100多次国际会议上作邀请报告。J.Manz教授于2009年当选德国科学院院士,2012年,美国权威学术杂志J. Phys. Chem.出版一期论文集纪念Manz院士对超快飞秒动力学的贡献。J.Manz院士与国内相关院校开展了长期紧密的合作研究,自20131月起至今,J.Manz院士被聘为山西大学特聘教授,并于2014年入选山西省高校131领军人才(第一梯队),2018年入选首批“山西特聘专家”,2019年入选山西省百人计划。


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