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发布日期:2020-11-11     点击量:
活动时间: 2020年11月30日(周一)上午 10:00-12:00
地点: 物理楼中楼215
主讲人: Songtao Chen (陈松涛) Department of Electrical Engineering Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

报告题目: Multiplexed telecom quantum network nodes based on single Er3+ ions

报告摘要: Single atoms and atom-like defects in solids are ideal quantum light sources and memories for quantum networks. However, most atomic transitions are in the ultraviolet-visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, where propagation losses in optical fibers are prohibitively large. We tackle this problem directly by using single erbium(Er3+) ions in a solid-state host, observing for the first time the emission of single photons from a single Er3+ ion, whose optical transition at 1.55 µm is in the telecom band, allowing for low-loss propagation in optical fiber. This is enabled by integrating Er3+ ions with silicon nanophotonic structures, which results in a Purcell enhancement of the photon emission rate [1]. By tailoring the electromagnetic environment of an emitter with an optical cavity, cycling optical transitions can be induced for a solid-state atomic defect, which enables single-shot quantum nondemolition readout of single Er3+ ion’s electronic spin state with 94.6% fidelity. An outstanding challenge for building larger scale quantum systems with solid-state defects is realizing high-fidelity control over multiple defects with nanoscale separations, which is required to realize strong spin-spin interactions for multi-qubit logic and the creation of entangled states. For optically-addressed spins, it is an open challenge to achieve simultaneous high-fidelity initialization, control, and readout of spins separated by less than the diffraction limit of the addressing light. We developed a frequency domain addressing technique and have realized parallel measurement and coherent control of multiple solid-state spins below the diffraction limit via the ac Stark effect . These results represent a significant step towards realizing scalable quantum networks using single Er3+ ions based quantum network nodes.


[1] Dibos, A. M., Raha, M., Phenicie, C. M., & Thompson, J. D. “Atomic source of single photons in the telecom

band”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 243601 (2018).

[2] Raha, M., Chen, S., Phenicie, C. M., Ourari, S., Dibos, A. M., & Thompson, J. D. “Optical quantum nondemolition measurement of a single rare earth ion qubit”, Nat. Commun. 11, 1605 (2020).

[3] S. Chen*, M. Raha*, C. M. Phenicie, S. Ourari, J. D. Thompson, “Parallel Single-Shot Measurement and Coherent Control of Solid-State Spins below the Diffraction Limit”, Science 370, 592 (2020)

报告人简介: Songtao Chen received his B.S. degree in Optical Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2013, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Brown University in 2015 and 2018, respectively. During his Ph.D. he was working on the tunable coherent light emitters from II-VI colloidal CdSe/CdS quantum dots, organic-inorganic halide perovskites, and (In, Al)GaN expitaxial multiple quantum wells. Since 2018, he joined Electrical Engineering Department at Princeton University as a postdoc and his research then moved to quantum information science and technology, focusing on developing novel quantum nodes based on single erbium (Er3+) ions towards quantum network applications.

主持联系人:王剑威 (Tel: 62758257)


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