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凝聚态物理--北京大学论坛2018年第 15 期

发布日期:2018-09-05     点击量:

2018年第15期(No.436 since 2001)

时间:2018年9月13日(星期四)下午 15:00-16:30


题目(Title):Novel oxidation state of iron, peroxide FeO2:

Understanding physical properties and implication to geoscience

摘要 (Abstract) Discovery of novel oxidation state of iron, FeO2 under pressure, becomes great interest of scientific communities, and especially it suggests a paradigm change to our conventional understanding of geoscience. While our multiple follow-up research results from geoscience perspectives provides alternating chemical paths to synthesize it and substantial evidences of the existence at the deep lower mantle conditions, there are much room for condensed matter community to tackle it. In this presentation, first I introduce computational theory group of HPSTAR with several key research directions. I would like to show recent theoretical results of our collaboration teams combined with experimental results to emphasize how condensed matter theoretical works can be related and interpreted to the understanding of the Earth. I will show results for metal-insulator transition, spin transition, and molecular dynamic simulation.

报告人 (Speaker): Prof. DuckYoung Kim

报告人简介 (About speaker):Prof. DuckYoung Kim, 北京高压科学中心(HPSTAR)研究员。2009年获得瑞典乌普萨拉大学博士学位,2009-2011年在剑桥大学做博士后,后又于2011-2014年在美国卡内基研究院地球物理实验室做博士后,并于2014年起担任研究员,2015年12月加入HPSTAR。Kim博士领导了HPSTAR高压理论计算研究方向并开展了一系列工作,包括下地幔物质构成的理论计算研究,高压下新型功能材料的预测和高压下材料相变机理的理论研究。至今,已发表SCI论文40余篇,包括2篇Nature,3篇Nature子刊,7篇PNAS,4篇PRL。他于2010年获得瑞典乌普萨拉大学?ngstr?ms奖,后又于2012年获得由瑞典皇家科学院颁发的 Benzehus奖。2013年获得国际高压学会(AIRAPT)两年一度的Jamieson奖,表彰他在高压领域所做出的杰出贡献。2017年入选中组部“外专千人计划(长期)”。

联系人 (Host): 吕 劲 jinglu@pku.edu.cn

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