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凝聚态物理--北京大学论坛2015年第 18 期

发布日期:2015-09-29     点击量:

2015年第18期(No.351 since 2001)

时间:2015年10月8日(星期四)下午 15:00-16:30

Time: 3:00pm, Oct.8, 2015 (Thursday)


Venue: Room 212, Physics Building

Title: Synchrotron Light Applications for CharacterizingSemiconductor Materials

Abstract:Synchrotron light (SL) iselectromagnetic radiation which is emitted when electrons moving at close to the speed of light in vacuum are changed direction by a magnetic field.SLcovers a wide spectra ranging from infrared to X-rays with high brightnessand has had an immense impact in fields includingphysics, chemistry, biology, earth science, medicine, and life science. In this talk, I will focus on the applications for characterizing compound semiconductors, especially on the determination of band offset of heterostructures, electronic and atomic structures.

报告人: 郭其新教授

About speaker:Professor Qixin GUO郭其新was born in Shanghai in 1964. He received B. E., M.E., and Dr. E degrees in electronic engineering from Toyohashi University of Technology. He is currently a Professor of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Saga University as well as Director of Saga University Synchrotron Light Application Center. His research interests include epitaxial growth and characterization of compound semiconductor materials. He has authored more than 250 scientific papers published in Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B and other refereed journals.


Host professor:wangshi@pku.edu.cn

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