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《科学前沿报告会》 第274期

发布日期:2014-11-10     点击量:

The successful application of laser cooling techniques for cooling isolated vibrational modes of micro- and nanomechanical devices close to the quantum ground state has recently attracted a lot of interest in the control of macroscopic phononic degrees of freedom on a single quantum level. Beyond new possibilities to address fundamental questions in quantum physics, these developments also provide the basis for new, phonon-based quantum technologies. In this talk I will briefly outline some of the general prospects for the field of quantum opto- and nanomechanics and then discuss in more detail two specific examples, which show how the coupling of nano-mechanical systems to spins and photons can be used to probe macroscopic superpositions and to engineer mechanically induced photon-photon interactions. 

报告人简介: Dr. Peter Rabl is an Assistant Professor at Vienna University of Technology and the head of the quantum optics theory group. He obtained his PhD from University of Innsbruck (Supervisor: Prof. P. Zoller) in 2007. He joined IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2010 after postdoctoral positions in ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge. From 2013, he works at Vienna University of Technology. His main interests inclide: implementation of quantum information processing schemes in AMO, solid-state and hybrid quantum systems; cooling, state preparation and quantum measurement schemes; theory of open quantum systems, decoherence and noise evasion schemes; quantum control and applications of opto- and nanomechanical systems; and other related. Selected publications: PRL 113, 023603 (2014); PRL 112, 190402 (2014); PRL109, 013603 (2012); PRL 107, 063601 (2011); Nature Phys. 6, 602 (2010).  

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