For a mixture of alkali-earth atomic gas in the long-lived excited state 3P0 and ground state 1S0, in addition to nuclear spin, another "orbital" index is introduced to distunguish these two internal states. We propose a mechanism to induce Feshbach resonance between two atoms with different orbital and nuclear spin quantum numbers. Two essential ingredients are inter-orbital spin-exchanging scattering and orbital dependence of hte Land e g-factors. Here the orbital degrees of freedom plays similar role as electron spin degree of freedom in magnetic Feshbach resonance in alkali-metal atoms. This resonance is particularly accessible for 173Yb system.
Education Experience:
09/1995-07/1999 Beijing Normal University, Bachelor of Science
09/1999-03/2005 Institute of Teoretical Physics, CAS, PhD
Working Experience:
05/2004-06/2004 The University of Hong Kong, Visiting Student
04/2005-09/2007 Georgia Institute of Technology Posdoctoral Fellow
10/2007-09/2010 UEDA Macroscopic Quantum Control Project, Postdoctoral Fellow
10/2010-now Professor in Physics department, Renmin University of China
Research interest:
a.Few-body problems in ultracold atom physics.
b.Quantum optics