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《科学前沿报告会》 第322期

发布日期:2015-12-14     点击量:

light-matter interactions are the fundamental basis for many phenomena and processes in optical devices. In this talk I will introduce and explain ultra-high-quality (Q) optical Whispering-Gallery-Mode (WGM) microresonators, in which light-matter interactions are significantly enhanced due to their superior capability to trap light field in a highly confined volume with low loss. WGM resonators have shown great promise for a variety of fields of science. Spanning from optomechanics to on-chip microresonator lasers and ultra-sensitive label-free bio-chemical sensing.


报告人简介:Lan Yang, PhD, Edwin H. and Florence G. Skinner Professor. Professor Yang Joined the faculty at Washington University in St. Louis in 2007. She runs the Laboratory of Micro/Nano Photonics Research Group in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. In 2012, she earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award and in 2011, she was honored by Rresident Barack Obama with a Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists adn Engineering (PECASE). The early career award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States gobernment on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers.



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