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《科学前沿报告会》 第361期

发布日期:2017-03-18     点击量:

Dielectric optical microcavities are important for a wide range of research areas and applications, such as ultra-low threshold lasers and single-photon sources. In the nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos community microdisk cavities with deformed cross-sectional shape attracted considerable attention since they can be used to study the ray-wave correspondence in open systems in direct comparison to experiments. Deforming the boundary of a microdisk cavity is also very interesting from a practical point of view as it allows for improved directionality of light emission and therefore for more efficient extraction and collection of light. We discuss an approach that results in unidirectional light emission without spoiling the quality of the modes. This approach uses a combination of wave phenomena (wave localization along unstable periodic ray trajectories) and chaotic ray dynamics in open systems (escape along unstable manifolds).


报告人简介:Dr. Jan Wiersig is a full professor of theoretical physics at Universität Magdeburg, Germany. He received his Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics from Universität Bremen in 1998. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow of theoretical physics at Queen Mary and Westfield college (London), MPI für Physik komplexer systeme (Dresden) and Universität Bremen from 1998-2008. His research interests includes quantum optics, wave chaos and non-Hermitian effects and light-matter interaction in semiconductor micro and nanostructure. He has 99 peer-reviewed publications in PRL, Nature, PNAS, etc.



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