Liquid crystals possess extremely large optical nonlinearities that can be used in conjunction with various nano-structures and lasers ranging from the femtoseconds to CW operations, due to their extraordinarily large individual (organic) molecular nonlinearities that response in the sub-picoseconds time scale and collective crystalline optical nonlinearities that response in milliseconds –nanoseconds. This presentation is focused on recently obtained results of femto-seconds pulse compression/stretching/recompression, as well as slow light generation with cholesteric liquid crystals (CLC). We will discuss the underlying theory and recent corroborating experimental observations of these ultrafast phenomena. Since CLC can be fabricated to yield photonic bandgap and band-edge wavelength location throughout the visible to near IR regime, the aforementioned processes can be realized with any laser wavelength in this broad spectral range.
报告人简介:Dr. I. C. Khoo received his Ph. D. in Physics (Quantum Optics) from the University of Rochester. He is currently the W. E. Leonhard Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. He is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA and UK Inst. of Physics and The Electromagnetics Academy. He has previously served a three-year term as Vice President of Technical Affair for the IEEE-Lasers and Electro-Optics Society and as Chair of the United States Advisory Committee/International Commission for Optics of the US National Academies. He is the author, co-author of over 650 technical publications/presentations and several books on nonlinear optics and liquid crystal optical physics. His research interests are centered on nonlinear and electro- optical properties of liquid crystals and nano-structured novel refractive metamaterials, and studies of optical wave mixings, switching and modulation enabled by unique properties of these novel optical materials.