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《科学前沿报告会》 第369期

发布日期:2017-06-01     点击量:

A new generation of application specific quantum computers has shown great promise in providing this quantum leap. One is already commercially available, and now undergong trials at Google and NASA. This talk will discuss three novel designs being unbestigated at SUT, with experiments planned at Swinburne and lese where. The largest quantum computer in the world is the Stanford/Tokyo Ising machine. But can it really outperform classical computers at NP-hard optimization? We discuss the physics of this novel device, and how it is theoretically modeled. An alternative hardware model is the XY machine, which uses a different type of photonic interaction, and with experiments at the Weizmann Institute in Israel. Preliminary theory at SUt of a novel parametric XY machine will be given. We have also developed both a quantum simulation of a boson sampling quantum computer, and analytic results. This gives signatures that verify the computational output. Finally, we propose that the emulation of the quantum decay of a relativistic scalar field from a metastable state can be simulated using an ultra-cold spinor Bose gas. This will demonstrate that an exponentially complex, high energy theoretical model can be solved on a table-top quantum computer. Movies of our simulations of the planned SUT laboratory demonstration will be given.


报告人简介:Professor Drummond was educated at Auckland and Waikato University in New Zealand, and at Harvard University in the USA. He is currently University Distinguished Professor and Science Director of the Centre for Quantum and Optical Science at Swinburne University of Technology. 2003 selected as Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. Over 230 research papers are published in refereed journals, with 9998 ISI ciatations (13650 in Google scholar) and an ISI Hirsch h-index of 52 (62 in Google). A public domain software package, XMDS, resulting from this work has had over 40000 downloads, with a second package, xSPDE, now publicly available on github.



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