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《科学前沿报告会》 第372期

发布日期:2017-06-09     点击量:

We will discuss a new type of interferometers that employ nonlinear devices as beam splitters. A specific scheme with parametric amplifiers, the so called SU(1,1) interferometer, is implemented and is compared with a traditional linear interferometer. A new paradigm for quantum interferometry is found that is different from the noise reduction mechanism in squeezed state interferometry. Some applications of the new interferometer will be discussed with topics including atom-light hybrid interferometer and simultaneous measurement of multiple orthogonal parameters.


报告人简介:Professor Zhe-Yu Jeff Ou is currently in Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis, United States. He has won Minoru and Ethel Tsutsui distinguished graduate research award of New York Academy of Sciences in 1990, and Young Investigator Award of the Office of Naval Research in 1995. After that, in 2004, he won Research Award of the School of Science, IUPUI. Ou’s research areas are Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. And his research mainly concerns the quantum behavior of light with emphasis on multi-photon interference effects and quantum entanglement, quantum noise, precision measurement of phases, and interaction of photons with an collective ensemble of atoms for quantum state transfer. His recent emphasis is on quantum state transfer in frequency conversion via Raman process and parametric down-conversion process.



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