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《科学前沿报告会》 第435期

发布日期:2018-10-31     点击量:

Boson sampling is considered as a strong candidate to demonstrate the “quantum advantage / supremacy” over classical computers. However, previous proof-of-principle experiments suffered from small photon number and low sampling rates owing to the inefficiencies of the single-photon sources and multi-port optical interferometers. In this talk, I will report two routes towards building Boson Sampling machines with many photons. In the first path, we developed SPDC two-photon source with simultaneously a collection efficiency of ~70% and an indistinguishability of ~91% between independent photons. With this, we demonstrate genuine entanglement of ten photons [PRL 117, 210502 (2016)]. Very recently, we managed to observe 12-photon entanglement using a novel SPDC source [arXiv.1810.04823]. Such a platform will provide enabling technologies for teleportation of multiple properties of photons [Nature 518, 516 (2015)] and efficient scattershot boson sampling. In the second path, using a QD-micropillar, we produced single photons with high purity (>99%), near-unity indistinguishability for >1000 photons [PRL 116, 213601 (2016).], and high extraction efficiency [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 020401 (2016)]—all combined in a single device compatibly and simultaneously. We build 3-, 4-, and 5-bosonsampling machines which runs >24,000 times faster than all the previous experiments, and for the first time reaches a complexity about 100 times faster than the first electronic computer (ENIAC) and transistorized computer (TRADIC) [Nature Photonics 11, 361 (2017), PRL 118, 190501 (2017)]. We are currently increasing the rate by optimizing the single-photon system efficiency to near unity using elliptical micropillar [arXiv.1809.10992], and using improved schemes such as boson sampling with photon loss [PRL 120.230502 (2018)], with the hope of achieving 20-photon boson sampling in the near term.


报告人简介:包括《现代物理评论》1篇、《自然》和《科学》5篇、《自然》子刊9篇、《物理评论快报》29篇等或通讯作者的研究成果一次入选Physics World评选的Breakthrough of the year (2015),两次(2016、17)入选美国光学学会OPN评选的国际光学重要进展,四次(2007、12、15、17)入选两院院士评选的年度中国科技十大进展新闻。先后入选中组部国家青年千人计划(2011)、美国光学学会会士(2016)、《自然》“Science star of China”(2016),获得香港求是科技基金会杰出青年学者奖(2014)、国家杰出青年科学基金(2015)、国家自然科学一等奖(2015)、中国五四青年奖章(2017)、欧洲物理学会菲涅尔奖(2017)。



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