Conjugated organic molecules or polymers are promising candidates for various electronic applications due to their advantages of solution processing, flexible, large area devices, tunable opto-electronics properties and other unique merits. We have been working with polymer PVs in last two decades. Recently, our research was extended to polymer capacitors, solution processed photo-capacitors, thermoelectric devices and electrochromics. I will introduce our recent results on OPVs, supercapacitors, OPV powered polymer electrochromics, free-standing thermoelectric generators and fast fast switching polymeric electrochromics with facile processed water dispersed nanoparticles.
报告人简介:张凤玲,82年毕业于东北石油大学,85年毕业于中国科学院长春物理研究所,85-94年在北京交通大学任教,98年于中科院长春物理所获博士学位,师从中国发光学开创者和奠基人之一徐叙瑢院士。98-02分别在日本大阪大学化学系著名教授城田靖彦研究室和瑞典Linköping University (林雪平大学) 物理化学生物系Olle Inganas教授 (瑞典皇家科学院院士、前任诺贝尔物理学委员会主席) 研究团队做博士后。08年获林雪平大学终身教职,14年晋升为教授。