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《科学前沿报告会》 第454期

发布日期:2018-12-26     点击量:

Surface plasmons (SPs) propagating along the interface between metals and dielectrics are capable of tailoring light matter interaction at the nanoscale, which emerges as a research frontier in nanophotonics. In this talk, we introduce the recent progress of multi-dimensional high capacity optical information storage and multi-functional metasurfaces by nanoplasmonics. As a consequence of resonant excitation of plasmonic nanoparticles, strong photothermal effect leads to permanent shape transitions, which unfolds a new platform for multiplexed information storage. Through the investigation of polarization-sensitive and orbital angular momentum sensitive plasmonic resonance in plasmonic nanostructures, information can be multiplexed in the multiple physical divisions of light for orders of magnitude increased information capacity. Moreover, metasurfaces composed of arrays of subwavelength artificial meta-atoms offer unprecedented capability of wavefront manipulation for a variety of applications. By structuring and patterning plasmonic nanostructures in a diatomic arrangement we demonstrate wide-angle and full-polarization controlled vectorial holography. Further, precise structuring the plasmonic nanostructures leads to vivid color generations. Color images can be encrypted in the angular anisotropy by utilizing the laser splashed 3D structures.


报告人简介:李向平,暨南大学光子所教授。2009年获斯威本科技大学光子学博士学位。2011-2014年获得澳大利亚研究委员会优秀青年项目资助(ARC APD fellowship)。2013年荣获维多利亚州政府优秀青年称号(Victoria Fellowship). 2014年10月再次荣获澳大利亚研究委员会优秀青年项目资助 (ARC DECRA fellowship). 2015年入选青年千人计划,受聘暨南大学光子技术研究所, 担任教授及博士生导师。2015年荣获基金委优青人才计划资助. 主要研究领域包括超分辨光存储,等离激元及微纳光子器件等。在包括Science, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Light Science & Applications,Science Advances 等国际期刊发表论文超过60篇。



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