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《科学前沿报告会》 第457期

发布日期:2018-12-28     点击量:

Self-assembly of nanoscale building blocks into long-range three-dimensional structures is key to the development of nanostructured materials with pre-engineered optical, thermal and mechanical properties. Soft matter, such as liquid crystal (LC), exhibits long range ordering and features facile response to weak stimuli (e.g. voltage, light), making them excellent candidates for preparing self-assembled responsive nanomaterials. In this talk, I will first introduce long-range ordered LC/plasmonic nanoparticle systems with facile response to low-voltage fields and low-intensity light. enabling a new generation of smart windows and optical metamaterials. Next, I will discuss liquid crystalline self-assembly of biological building blocks such as cellulose nanofibers into ordered aerogels and photonic films. This scalable nanocellulose platform allows economic fabrication of innovative photonic materials from the bottom-up, enabling technologies such as energy-saving retrofittable window films and biomimetic flexible optoelectronic devices. Finally, I will discuss the novel physics energing from LCs embedded with micro- and nano-building blocks, where fluidity, topology, and properties such as ferromagnetism intersect. Understanding the fundamental physics underlying these systems gives us insight into these new types of self-assembly.


报告人简介:刘清坤,2013年毕业于浙江大学,获光学工程博士学位。2013年至今在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校和康奈尔大学物理系做博士后研究。研究方向涉及纳米材料物理 、软凝聚态物理、能源材料等,如由功能纳米材料组成的有序结构,由纳米纤维构成的柔性可调光学器件,磁性软物质等。在Nature, Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Physical Review Letters等期刊上发表40余篇论文,获得6项美国专利,及担任10余种专业期刊评审。



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