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发布日期:2019-03-13     点击量:

Perovskite solar cell research continues to progress rapidly on various fronts. My group at OIST is making efforts to use surface science and advanced material characterization to obtain in-depth understanding about perovskite materials and solar cells. Instability and upscalability are currently the major challenges for perovskite photovoltaic technology to move forward towards commercialization. In this talk, I will present our research progress on degradation mechanisms of perovskite materials, development of strategies to improve perovskite solar cell device stability, upscalable fabrication of perovskite solar cells and modules, and surface science understanding of perovskite materials and stability.


报告人简介:Yabing Qi is Unit Director of Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. Prior to his current appointment, Prof. Qi was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University. He received his B.S., M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Nanjing University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and University of California Berkeley, respectively. His research interests include perovskite solar cells, surface sciences, energy materials, and organic electronics. Prof. Qi has published 110+ peer-refereed papers and is the inventor for 10 patents/patent applications. He has delivered 80+ keynote and invited research presentations at international conferences, technical meetings and universities. As the symposium chair / organizer, Prof. Qi has organized 8 international symposia on perovskite solar cells, organic electronics, and functional materials. Prof. Qi is Recipient of 2017 Young Scientist Award (Materials Research Society of Japan). He is Guest Editor of the perovskite themed issue of Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Royal Society of Chemistry).



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